Lower EP Ag Expo 2 March 2021
The AIR EP Lower EP Ag Expo was held at the Marble Range Sports Club in Wangary on 2 March 2021, with 59 farmers and advisors attending.
The speakers and topics delivered were:
- Lukas van Zwieten, NSW DPI: soil biology and amendments, herbicide residues.
- David Harbison, DR Agriculture: grazing management of crops and pastures, dual purpose crops.
- Naomi Scholz, AIR EP: AIR EP update and social benchmarking EP survey results.
- Andrew Ware, EPAG Research: SAGIT canola project update, new SAGIT intern
- Ben Fleet, University of Adelaide: cultural and chemical control of annual ryegrass
- Amy Gutsche, SARDI: intercropping and early sown pulses
- Stuart Sherriff, Trengove Consulting: powdery mildew and soil amelioration
Participants were provided with a hard copy booklet summarizing the information presented and has been made available here.