Hyper Yielding and Profitable Cereals
Hyper Yielding and Profitable Cereals – Quantifying the economic impact of management practices for wheat and barley in medium and low rainfall zones of the southern region. By September 2027, 30% of wheat and barley growers in the medium and low rainfall zone across South Australia and Victoria have the information to better understand the…
Building resilience – Break Crop Suitability Across Landscapes
Bring together Upper North Farming Systems, Murray Plains Farmers, and AIR EP to bring this common theme across the 3 farming groups and 4 Node regions together into the one project. It is proposed to establish several paddock scale demonstration sites, tailoring each to the needs of the group region. The activities are designed to…
Retaining soil water in farming systems using strip & disc machinery 2024
This project has enabled one demonstration site to be conducted in 2024 in a low rainfall farming system at Buckleboo to enable extension of past EP demonstration site results and results from other regions, and to further investigate: What are the measurable differences in stripper stubble vs conventional draper stubble sown using a disc seeding…
Further tactics to minimise frost damage on the Eyre Peninsula
Previous frost work on the EP has been well received and has assisted in filling key agronomic knowledge gaps around frost mitigation in crop, however, it has been identified that further gaps in knowledge exist. This project will build on successful work and engagement already conducted on the EP through a number of mechanisms, including:…
Silicon: a novel solution to reduce water use and pest damage in wheat
Quantify how silicon fertilisation increases water use efficiency and pest resistance in wheat at the field scale with agronomic practices in place, including farm settings with contrasting agricultural landscapes. Elucidate silicon intervention strategies and their benefits for yields relative to input and deployment costs and disseminate this information to farmers. One field trial to…
A needs analysis for the barriers to adoption of strip and disc systems on Eyre Peninsula
Identify the risks and opportunities (including a cost benefit analysis) faced by growers using Strip and Disc systems to determine any gaps in knowledge to be addressed for this practice to be adopted in current farming systems. Produce a project needs analysis to direct future investment in RD&E activities for strip and disc farming systems …
Delivery of the Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator (SAF)
The Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator (SAF) is a designated central contact point for farmers, landholders, industry, and community groups and will aim to support sustainable agriculture practices in Eyre Peninsula. The SAF role will also perform services that support Regional Capacity Services and other sustainable agriculture related project services.
Virtual Fencing for improved climate resilience on South Australian farms
This project will continue the work of initial trials to look at the use of virtual fencing technology in a new field site on the Eyre Peninsula to look at excluding sheep from erodible areas using virtual fencing. Virtual fencing trial conducted at Minnipa Ag Centre over summer. Results to come, but seemed to be…
SA Young Farmer – Facilitated Peer to Peer Learning
To share innovative ways to build drought resilience and build local leadership, networks, and social support In Ceduna and Cleve locations AIR EP will offer four field events for young farmers focussing on young people aged 18-35 years. The Rudall young farmers group met in December to commence prioritisation of subjects they would like to…
SA Eyre Peninsula Coordination FRRR Community Impacts Grants
To strengthen drought preparedness and drive local action in the Eyre Peninsula region through the coordination of Community Impact Program activities and evaluation administration. Bi-monthly meetings between key delivery partners, Cleve Area School, WoTL and AIR EP are held to discuss project progress and provide support for the duration of each individual project. In addition,…