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MLA Meat Up Forum (8 March 2023 Wudinna)

March 8, 2023, at 8:00am
March 8, 2023, at 5:00pm

Event Details:

With the support of the SA MeatUp Forum Working Group, that includes producers from across SA, including Eyre Peninsula, and the speakers, the program has something for everyone, with an integration of livestock and cropping focus.

Key topics include getting the most from mixed farming systems, effective legume pasture systems, improving grazing management decision making, optimising reproduction, carbon, smart implementation of eID and more.

A virtual farm tour video will take MeatUp attendees on a tour of Goldmine Hill Farms, Lock, without leaving their seat! Featuring farm owner and manager, Kerran ‘Gus’ Glover, producers will hear about the Goldmine Hill Farms sheep enterprise, including containment feeding and a feedlot, and innovative ways the feed base is managed.

Also hear from local Eyre Peninsula producers Craig Kelsh on how he integrates his cropping and livestock enterprises, and Chris Lymn on implementation of eID technology.

A Next Step Hub will allow producers to catch up with industry and service providers to gather information, resources and discuss taking the next step with follow up events/opportunities. The day will wrap-up with a panel session, facilitated by John Francis from Agrista, with the producer presenters. Then, ‘MeatUp’ for networking, a gourmet BBQ and drinks. Hear insights on lamb MSA from Sarah Strachan, MLA Group Manager – Adoption and Commercialisation, and be in with a chance of winning premium cut meat packs.


To register, or for more information, please visit www.mla.com.au/meatup.


Natasha Searle
Senior Agribusiness Consultant

T: 1300 746 466
M: 0419 822 302


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