Seeking grower input: Climate services for Agriculture

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The Climate Services for Agriculture team – made up of personnel from CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology – is looking to speak to a small number of South Australian growers about their approach to seasonal climate risks and how they manage them.

Climate Services for Agriculture is a national project funded by the Future Drought Fund. The online platform – developed by BOM and CSIRO – is the only national platform that allows growers to search weather and climate indices by commodity and location, to assist them with on-farm decision making. It’s designed to help Australian producers and advisors across all industries plan for the impacts of future climate risks.

You can access the platform here:

The interviews will take around 45 minutes via video link, at a time the grower nominates. The information gleaned from the interview will assist in the ongoing development of the CSA platform. Any grower who is interested is very welcome, however it would be of particular interest to those growers who are interested in climate models, weather forecasting apps, etc.

To learn more, or to get involved, please contact Sarah at

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