Employer of Choice – Best practice people management on farm Survey

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This research aims to understand Australian farmers’ people management (often referred to as human resources management) and their attitudes and opinions on the support farmers need to implement ‘best practice’ people management.

Australian farmers will be asked to respond to a questionnaire and/or be involved in a consultation/interview about their people management, attitudes toward people management and opinions on how best to encourage and support better people management on Australian farms. Should you agree to participate in this project you will be asked to participate in up to two activities:
– Questionnaire (up to 20 minutes): the questionnaire asks about your current people management practices and attitudes toward farm employment.
– Consultation/Interview (up to 45 minutes): the interview asks about how human resources are managed and what works in attracting, retaining and developing employees.

The survey can be completed here – https://q.surveys.unimelb.edu.au/jfe/preview/previewId/e8725be4-bb35-492f-978a-90efe89fe231/SV_1HpWXU2A3C26Lfo?Q_CHL=preview&Q_SurveyVersionID=current

If you would like more information about the project, please contact any of the following lead researchers:

University of Melbourne-Professor Ruth Nettle Tel: +61 3 8344 4581 Email: ranettle@unimelb.edu.au OR the following additional investigators:
Sally Murfet (Inspire-Ag) sally@inspire-ag.com.au;
Danielle England (AgInnovate) danielle@aginnovate.com.au;
Claudia Mitchell (The Capacity Co.) claudia@thecapacityco.com.au;

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