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WoTL Womens Crop Tour Cleve/Rudall (13 Sept 2023)

September 13, 2023, at 9:00am
September 13, 2023, at 3:00pm

Event Details:

An update on the 2023 cropping season and agronomic issues in the Rudall/Cleve District


Join WoTL for an interactive crop tour and practical learning led by Agronomist, Sarah Meyer.

  • Hear about the Cleve Rural Traders Trial Site and what it forecasts for the Cleve and Rudall district crop and land management practices into the future.
  • Learn how to complete a sweep of canola and beans to identify pests and discuss their management.
  • Take a tour of Sims Farm
  • Build confidence in contributing to future crop management decision making
  • Collaborate with like minded community

Take some time out to learn and connect, before we move into the hectic harvest season.


Wednesday 13th September 20239.00amĀ  to 3.00pm


Car pools will leave from Cleve Rural Traders, to their Trial Site, Lunch stop, and Sims Farm.


$33 + booking fee.The day includes lunch.

The full cost of this workshop is $250 per person which has been heavily reduced thanks to the support of event sponsors.

Numbers are limited for this workshop so please book early to avoid disappointment.

Click here for more information


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