Upcoming Events

Minnipa Sticky Beak Day (23 Sept 2024)

12.45pm start at Bruce Heddle’s shed, 91 Mt Damper Road. BBQ tea provided by our sponsor Sparrow Ag Nutrien. Topics include challenges of dry sowing, lentil management, saline and sandy soil management and more. Prior to the main crop tour, starting at 10am, for anyone who’s interested, join us for more in depth discussion into…

Elliston Sticky Beak Day 24 Sept 2024

9am Start @ WCT Silo Meeting NVT Site Lentil & Barley Varieties Soil Pit Session with Brett Masters Contact: Matt Williams

BFIG Cropwalk (25 Sept 2024)

Buckleboo Sports Club Buckleboo Park, Buckleboo, SA, Australia

Where: Begins at Buckleboo Club Time: 8am for 8:30am start Lunch and Dinner will be provided. Contact admin@bfig.com.au  

Port Kenny Sticky Beak (1 Oct 2024)

Meet at the Port Kenny pub at 11am, go for a look at a few things then back to the pub around 12.30-1pm for lunch, trials after lunch and finish up at the trial site on Craig Kelsh's. For more information: Angus Gunn 0427 255 053

AIR EP AGM 9 Oct 2024

AIR EP will be holding their AGM on Wednesday 9 October 2024. Via Zoom 8:30am-9:30am All members are welcome and encouraged to attend. To receive a link to the event, please email Executive Officer Naomi Scholz eo@airep.com.au AGENDA 1            Welcome – Bill Long, Chair 2             Apologies 3             Minutes of previous AGM 4             Business arising from…

Wangary Ag Bureau Annual Crop Competition 22 October 2024

4525 Flinders Highway, Wangary 4525 Flinders Highway, Wangary, SA, Australia

The Wangary Ag Bureau Annual Wheat Crop Competition will be held on Tuesday 22 October 2024. Meet at Broccabruna Shearing Shed, 4525 Flinders Highway, 8:30am start. Presentations, drinks and BBQ to follow afterwards at the same location. BYO lunch and drinks. All welcome! For more information, contact Billy Pedler: 0447 014 676

“From Good to Great Teamwork” Workshop – Wudinna (3 December 2024)

Pinion Advisory is delivering an upcoming workshop in Wudinna with the aim to "cultivate a farm team that thrives through challenge." The workshops are free to attend with lunch provided and attendees are encouraged to bring their partners and team members. In the workshop you will gain practical techniques for: Managing stress effectively. Mediating conflicts.…

GPSA/Fat Farmers Community BBQ Ceduna 9 December 2024

Ceduna Blues Football Club Marchant St, Ceduna, SA, Australia

Grain Producers SA is partnering with Fat Farmers to hold a number of Community BBQ’s across regional SA with 4 to be held on the Eyre Peninsula in early December. Location: Ceduna Sports Club  Purpose: Bring growers (across commodities in some regions/industry) and the community together Create a space for people to come together in…

GPSA/Fat Farmers Community BBQ Streaky Bay 10 December 2024

Grain Producers SA is partnering with Fat Farmers to hold a number of Community BBQ’s across regional SA with 4 to be held on the Eyre Peninsula in early December. Location: Piednippie Hall  Purpose: Bring growers (across commodities in some regions/industry) and the community together Create a space for people to come together in an…

GPSA/Fat Farmers Community BBQ Minnipa 11 December 2024

Minnipa Sports Club 2 Moseley Terrace, Minnipa, SA, Australia

Grain Producers SA is partnering with Fat Farmers to hold a number of Community BBQ’s across regional SA with 4 to be held on the Eyre Peninsula in early December.  Location: Minnipa Sports Club  Purpose: Bring growers (across commodities in some regions/industry) and the community together Create a space for people to come together in…

GPSA/Fat Farmers Community BBQ Cowell 12 December 2024

Grain Producers SA is partnering with Fat Farmers to hold a number of Community BBQ’s across regional SA with 4 to be held on the Eyre Peninsula in early December. Location: Lions Park, Cowell Purpose: Bring growers (across commodities in some regions/industry) and the community together Create a space for people to come together in…

SARDI Farmer Meeting Lock (4 Mar 2025)

Lock Football Club North Terrace, Lock, SA, Australia

Latest research results presented by SARDI Minnipa Agricultural Centre Contact Nicole Baty for more information 8680 6202.

AIR EP Pre-sowing Member Days 11-13 February 2025

Come along to hear about the latest research results from AIR EP projects and what it means for the 2025 growing season. What's our current soil water status? Is it…