Upcoming Events
RCS Grazing Clinic Eyre Peninsula
REGISTER This event is highly subsidised for Eyre Peninsula farmers thanks to the EP Landscape Board's Regenerative Agriculture Program funded by the Australian Government's National Landcare Program.
Far West Sticky Beak Day
For more information contact Seth Cooper 0417 896 772
Charra & Goode Sticky Beak Day
For more information contact Gus Bergmann 0427 259 065 Meet at 9.30am at the trial site (NVT + Early sowing)
Minnipa Sticky Beak Day
Leaving the Minnipa store at 12.15pm BBQ tea supplied For more information contact Gareth Scholz 0427 805 207
Streaky Bay Sticky Beak Day
For more information contact Dion Williams 0428 127 281
Mt Cooper/Port Kenny Sticky Beak Day
Starting at the Port Kenny Hotel 9.30am Lunch at Port Kenny Hotel For more information contact Angus Gunn 0427 255 053
Salinity management workshop at Ungarra
Workshop on the causes, effects and mitigation of various forms of salinity including: mallee seeps water tables waterlogging drainage other farming system and agronomy interactions. We will also look at…
Roberts-Verran Sticky Beak Day
NOTE: Change of date to Friday 23 September For more information contact Joel Horne 0434 580 695