Upcoming Events

Multi-species workshop

1/2 day interactive workshop looking at how multi-species cover crops are being used and could be used further on Upper EP. This includes a nuts and bolts approach to looking…


Carbon Footprint and Feasibility workshop Port Lincoln

For more information and registration, please contact Amy Wright, Regional Agricultural Landcare Facilitator on ralf@airep.com.au or 0467 004 555. Exact venue to be determined depending on attendance.


RCS Grazing Clinic Eyre Peninsula

REGISTER This event is highly subsidised for Eyre Peninsula farmers thanks to the EP Landscape Board's Regenerative Agriculture Program funded by the Australian Government's National Landcare Program.

Charra & Goode Sticky Beak Day

For more information contact Gus Bergmann  0427 259 065 Meet at 9.30am at the trial site (NVT + Early sowing)

Minnipa Sticky Beak Day

Leaving the Minnipa store at 12.15pm BBQ tea supplied For more information contact Gareth Scholz 0427 805 207