Upcoming Events

GRDC National Grower Network Forum Wangary (22 Mar 2024)

You are invited to attend a GRDC Grower Network Forum.Come along and contribute your suggestions for future GRDC investments in research, development and extension. These forums will gather your feedback…

SPAA Precision Ag Expo (11 April 2024)

What is the Precision Ag Expo? The SPAA Precision Ag Expo is held annually in key South Australia growing regions, delivering quality education and innovation in precision agriculture education to SA producers.This year, the…

WoTL Communication in Family Business (24 June 2024)

Managing effective communication when family and business intersect. For more information and registration details head to https://wotl.com.au/project/communication-in-family-business-cleve-24-june-2024/

WeedSmart Week Port Lincoln (29-30 July 2024)

WeedSmart Week brings together a wealth of knowledge and experience from local and interstate growers, agronomists, and technology experts - putting the spotlight on herbicide resistance and weed control. WeedSmart…

AIR EP/SARDI/GRDC Pulse Field Day (5 Sept 2024)

2024 Event Registration Pulse Field Day Name(Required) First LastEmail(Required) Mobile(Required)Dietary requirements EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ

Pastures at the Peak (9 Sept 2024)

Jamie Pearson's paddock Cnr Davis Road and Cut Line Road, Darke Peak, SA, Australia

Come and check out the Future Drought Fund Pastures project small plot trial near Darke Peak - the University of Adelaide/SARDI team will be over doing some plant counts, so…