Aerial Goat Control Program expressions of interest

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The Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board (EPLB) & SA Arid Lands Landscape Board (SAAL LB) are conducting a joint Aerial Goat Control Program and are seeking expressions of interest from Eastern Eyre Peninsula Landowners to be voluntarily involved in fully funded aerial control of feral goats. The program is currently scheduled for the 4-7 of September 2024.



Aerial population surveys in the Gawler Ranges district have shown a wide spread increase in the density and distribution of feral goat numbers which are moving south into Eastern Eyre Peninsula and are a leading cause of land degradation through overgrazing.

Feral goats are a declared pest animal under section 192(3) of the Landscapes SA Act 2019 requiring a landowner to control feral goats on their land.

EPLB and SAAL LB look to decrease the number of goats in high value conservation areas and to assist landholders with goat management. This is to be achieved by coordinated aerial and ground mustering to remove goats, and aerial culling where mustering is not feasible.

If you are interested in being involved you will need to respond by Monday the 5th of August 2024

Participating properties will be required to sign an agreement stating their commitment and understanding of the terms of the program. This agreement process will include the development of a detailed property map which includes known aerial hazards along with any no shoot/buffer or exclusion zones.  There will be no cost to be involved in this operation, or payment provided for any goats that are controlled or removed from your property.


We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Barbara Murphy 0427188546 (Whyalla)

Liam Anderson 0428282077 (Cleve)

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