AIR EP AGM Notice of meeting 9 Oct 2024

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The AIR EP Board AGM will be held on Wednesday 9 October, via zoom. All members are welcome to attend, please email Executive Officer Naomi Scholz, for the meeting link.


1            Welcome – Bill Long, Chair

2             Apologies

3             Minutes of previous AGM

4             Business arising from the previous AGM

5             Chairman’s Report

6             Annual Report

7            Financial Report and appointment of auditor

8             Business

a.            Nominations to the Board

b.             Special Resolutions (detailed below) to change to Constitution.

c.             Any other business.

9             Close meeting


The following Special Resolutions will be proposed at the meeting:

  1. That clause 6.2(a)(i) of the Constitution be amended to read “At least three (3) but no more than seven (7) members appointed and approved at an annual general meeting of Members; and”
  2. That clause 3(b) be amended to read “To promote agriculture excellence within the region by encouraging sharing of information and resources.”
  3. That clause 3(d) be amended to read “To engage with existing community organisations to participate in steering the direction of future agricultural research and development in the region.”

The reason for the proposed resolution 1 is to increase the number of Board members from five (5) members to seven (7) members which will bring the total Board membership to 9 (nine) members, plus ex-officio members. This will enable the organisation to maintain the cross section of skills required to manage the business of the organisation and strategic direction of the Board.

The reason for the proposed resolutions 2 and 3 is to correct some typographical errors which were in the original version of the constitution. There is no change to the substance of either of those clauses.

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