Essential equipment rebate for producers now open

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SA sheep and farmed goat producers can now apply for a 75% rebate on essential eID equipment.

If you move stock onto your property directly from another property (P2P) you could be eligible.

The maximum rebate amount depends on average yearly head movements for the past 3 years (2021 to 2023):

  • up to $500 for movements of 100 or less animals
  • up to $2,000 for movements of between 101 and 5,000 animals
  • up to $20,000 for movements of more than 5,000 animals.

👉 Find out more about the Sheep and Goat eID Essential Equipment Rebate by reading the Guidelines and apply at:

📧 Join PIRSA’s eID mailing list and learn more about sheep and goat eID:


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