GPSA + Pinion Advisory Emissions Baselining EOI now open

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Grain Producers SA (GPSA) is partnering with Pinion Advisory to deliver Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) Baselining across South Australia’s cropping regions. We are seeking your involvement as a South Australian grain producer in this unique project that will contribute to the establishment of a South Australian grain production emissions baseline for the first time.

If you are a South Australian grain producer, we are offering you the opportunity to put your name forward to be involved in this important project and receive a personalised farm GHG emissions baseline valued at more than $4,000. The data that growers provide to GPSA, working with Pinion, through this project will be de-identified and used to form a South Australian grain production baseline. This baseline will feed into GPSA’s Sustainability Roadmap.


Participants will be required to provide details on their farming operations, including names, location, types of crops grown, and other input measures. Pinion Advisory is able to assist in this process and if you use a program such as Agworld, Agriwebb or equivalent, that would also be very beneficial to the efficiency of data collection. All data used as part of the overall grain industry emissions baseline will be de-identified, so your identity will remain completely confidential.


Participation in the project is completely free. At the end of the project, participants will receive an independently verified carbon account for their grain operations worth over $4,000. There will also be further follow up from Pinion and participant farms will be benchmarked against other national and global baselines. Places are strictly limited so make sure you get in quick.


Participants will be contacted by Pinion Advisory qualified emissions experts to source and verify information required (estimated time commitment of growers is two to three hours). Grain producers will be required to provide data and respond to questions within reasonable deadlines.

Use this link to submit your EOI click here

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