New AIR EP Gold Sponsor – Alvan Blanch Australia

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Alvan Blanch Australia (ABA) is proud to be partnering with AIR EP as a Gold Sponsor in 2024.

ABA is an independent, family-owned business based in south east Queensland, operated by Jim Duncan and Jane Godson. We are a distribution partner for Alvan Blanch Dev Co from the UK, a leading grain drying system manufacturer with over 70 years’ experience and 3rd generation within the company.

Hailing from farming stock in the UK, both Jim and Jane bring decades of experience from the farm machinery sector. Having previously worked for an Alvan Blanch dealer in Scotland, Jim reconnected with Andrew Blanch leading to a successful partnering, that has seen considerable expansion of drying infrastructure throughout prominent grain growing regions within Australia.

The Great Southern region of West Australia has one of the highest populations of Alvan Blanch DF drying systems due, in part, to the moisture related issues along the coastal areas. Growers in these regions recognise the importance of the DF dryer and its ability to assist them in managing wet mornings and damp evenings.

Key Benefits

·        Dried seed crops, grain crops, coarse grains, grasses and small seeds

·        Lets farmers secure crops ahead of weather events or in moisture-impacted regions

·        Simple & reliable equipment farmers can service themselves

·        Allows farmers to expand operations to contract drying

·        Fully automated – 24/7

·        Options for PLC control systems for offsite access

Investing in successful grower groups such as Ag Innovation & Research Eyre Peninsula (AIR EP), allows ABA to not only understand customer needs and increase brand awareness, but also provides a vehicle to give back to the region. ABA looks forward to working with AIR EP over the coming months, to promote improved harvest efficiencies and securing crops at the most vulnerable stage.

In summary, ABA look forward to understanding more about the harvest systems and programs for Eyre Peninsula farmers, identifying opportunities for drying systems suitable for the region, designing and looking at on-farm infrastructure, that may incorporate drying units and handling systems.


For more information, find us at


Jim Duncan - 0435 776 796

Chris Swain – 0457 336 433

Alvan Blanch DF22000 – 60tph / 120 & 150tph handling systems near Parkes, NSW
Alvan Blanch DF22000 – 60tph / 120 & 150tph handling systems near Parkes, NSW

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