SA Drought Hub Knowledge Base – resources for dry times

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The SA Drought Hub Knowledge Base connects you to resources that assist in decision-making and practice change to build drought preparedness and resilience. The Hub has collated a range of resources to help producers make informed decisions and adopt effective practices for crop, pasture, livestock and fodder management in the current dry season.

Access valuable insights from the hub, Grains Research and Development Corporation, Kondinin Group, Meat & Livestock Australia, Agriculture Victoria, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA and more.

Knowledge Base – SA Drought Hub 

Crop and pasture management 


Livestock and fodder management


SA Drought Hub podcast:

When do I let sheep out of containment in a dry season?

If you have livestock in containment ahead of the season break, what do you do if the rain doesn’t come?

  • This episode of the SA Drought Hub podcast explores the considerations around keeping sheep in containment in a dry season, how to decide when to let them out before lambing, and what you need to do if you don’t have any green pasture ready for their release.
  • Host Drew Radford speaks to Deb Scammell from Talking Livestock, an agricultural consultancy focused on ruminant nutrition and production, and Josh Hancock, a sheep producer at RL Hancock & Sons in Reedy Creek, near Lucindale.

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Deb has been involved the SA Drought Hub project ⁠Containment feeding to boost business performance and resilience⁠ and has advised producers on containment feeding across the state.

Josh offers first-hand experience, having run a containment lot for three seasons on his 3000-acre enterprise producing crossbred lambs.


Livestock SA has recently released video webinars:


Sheep Connect resources:

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