Scholarships available for 15-month leadership program for grain farmers

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Applications are still open for the ARLP Course 30 for a grain grower.


The ARLP is the flagship program of the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation (ARLF). Over 30 diverse leaders from across rural, regional and remote Australia, come together for a series of unique and immersive experiences to develop their leadership capabilities.


The program takes place over 15 months and develops the capacity of individuals as leaders in ways that are transformational in many, using face-to-face experiential learning supported by online engagement and peer-to-peer mentoring. The program will commence in June 2023 and finish in September 2024 (four sessions with over 40 contact days). For more information about the ARLP, visit


Through the generous of support of our sponsors we offer scholarships for individuals to participate. We are currently seeking applications from the  grains industries.


Dates for ARLP C30

  • Session 1: 6-17 June 2023, regional NSW (may require travel days depending on where you live)
  • Session 2: 17-26 October 2023, New Zealand (may require travel days depending on where you live)
  • November 2023 – February 2024, Virtual workshops -TBC – 90mins.
  • Session 3: 14-19 April 2024, regional Victoria (may require travel days depending on where you live)
  • Virtual session 19–20 June 2024 Virtual Masterclass workshops – two days.
  • Session 4: 3-12 September 2024, central Australia (may require travel days depending on where you live)
  • Graduation: 12 September 2024

*Session dates may be subject to change.

Who should apply?

  • Are you keen to give back and have a positive impact on your industry for rural Australia?
  • Would you like to understand more about yourself and others to greater influence change?
  • Do you want to develop cross sectoral and community networks and connections?
  • Are you interested in serving your industry and community through enhanced leadership?


How to apply?

If this sounds like you or you know someone who would be perfect encourage them to apply now at Australian Rural Leadership Program – Applications  . Applications close Sunday 12 February 2023 

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