The 2024 season in pictures

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Thanks to those that have sent in images of 2024, if you have some images that show something unusual (good, bad or ugly) for 2024, please keep sending them in. They can be anonymous if you prefer.

Above: Uneven germination in wheat at Kapinnie 24 June (suspect uneven wetting up of soil), supplied by Denis Pedler.


Above: Herringbone caterpillar in wheat at Piednippie 27 August, supplied by Denis Pedler.


Above: Stem disease in lentils (GIA Thunder) around Kimba and Buckleboo in early September, supplied by Fabio Arsego.

Above: Armyworm found near Cummins in wheat and barley 2 September 2024, supplied by Denis Pedler.


Above: Calibre wheat spikes exhibiting moisture stress, 4 September. Supplied by Fabio Arsego.


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