The 2024 season in pictures part 5

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We continue to collect images from the 2024 season, if you have some images that show something unusual (good, bad or ugly) for 2024, please keep sending them in. They can be anonymous if you prefer.

Above: SARDI Minnipa Agricultural Centre Research Officer Elijah Luo presenting at the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund project “De-risking sowing” trial site on the Port Kenny sticky beak day, held on 1 October.

Above: Inspecting crops in the Minnipa district on the Minnipa sticky beak day, held on 23 September.

Above: SARDI Minnipa Agricultural Centre Senior Research Scientist Amanda Cook presenting at the SA Drought Hub project “Strip and disc” trial site on the Buckleboo Farm Improvement Group (BFIG) crop walk held on 25 September.

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