What are your riskiest decisions? How do you make your decisions – head, heart, gut or a mix?

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Have you wondered how you might approach farm decisions differently from others and what you can do to make more informed farm decisions?

The GRDC ‘RiskWi$e’ National Risk Management Initiative that AIR EP are leading on Eyre Peninsula are working on how to make difficult farm decisions easier, and help growers understand the different scenarios that can come out of various farm decisions.

It will take about 10 minutes to fill in 10 questions about how you make decisions on our topic of interest. You can choose from 4 options:

1. Nitrogen top dressing

2. Buying major new machinery

3. Enterprise mix – crop choices

4. Preventative fungicide sprays

This will help us develop better initiatives within the RiskWi$e project and you can also request an individual risk report that places how you make your decisions compared to over 400 other growers across Australia.

 When filling in, please put event ID as AIREP. You can access at http://bit.ly/riskwise_base or scan the QR code below.



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