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Sustainable Agriculture program – a three year agriculture extension program
Delivery of the Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board’s Sustainable Agriculture program, funded by the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program Regional Land Partnerships (RLP) initiative, which includes a project work order to deliver the Regenerative Agriculture Program (RAP). Project components: Soil acidification General agricultural support to EP Landscape Board Soil organic carbon and mixed species demonstrations Mallee…
More profitable crops on highly calcareous soils by improving early vigour and overcoming soil constraints
Outcomes will be modified agronomic practices and improved soil conditions which increase WUE of crops and farm profitability as well as improved knowledge of the impact of high carbonate on crop performance. Highly calcareous soils challenge crop production with a range of constraints and this limits the effectiveness of improved agronomic practices. Early crop vigour…
Southern Pulse Extension – Pulse Check Groups
Establishment of a minimum of 9 ‘Pulse Check Discussion groups’ across the Southern region. Pulse Check groups to focus upon ‘back to basics’ approach to lentil and/or chickpea production using a group learning approach and practical in-field learning.
Warm and cool season mixed cover cropping for sustainable farming systems in south eastern Australia’ project – upper EP
In this project, a consortium of grower groups and the CSIRO will identify and demonstrate suitable cover crops across south eastern Australia. The impacts of cover cropping on soil health, nutrient cycling, organic carbon, and soil moisture will be measured, and the optimum timing and method to terminate the cover crops will be determined. At…
Warm and cool season mixed cover cropping for sustainable farming systems in south eastern Australia – lower EP
Part of a bigger project across south eastern Australia to identify and demonstrate suitable cover crops. The impacts of cover cropping on soil health, nutrient cycling, organic carbon, and soil moisture will be measured, an the optimum timing and method to terminate the cover crops will be determined.
Addressing barriers to adoption – Building farmer innovation capability
Summary The overall purpose of the project is to implement, refine and adapt an Innovation Capability partnership model developed by Pitt & Nelle (2008) for large agribusiness, and build the innovation capability, systems and culture of farmers (initially through five farmer groups). Andrew Ware of EPAG Research was the Eyre Peninsula participant, and developed the…
Understanding adoptability of techniques and practices for improved soil management
This project builds on existing models of adoption by investigating at a farm and regional scale the social drivers and forms of adaptation and learning that make soil improvement strategies and techniques adoptable.
Surveying farm practices
Working alongside grower groups to develop regionally relevant survey tools, this project will initiate the process of surveying land managers across regions and industries. This will bring about an improved understanding of current practices, including farmer aspirations; motivations and their perceptions of existing and proposed R&D initiatives.
Using soil and plant testing data to better inform nutrient management and optimise fertiliser investments for grain growers in the southern region
Using soil and plant testing data to better inform nutrient management and optimise fertiliser investments for grain growers in the southern region. Project led by Harm van Rees and Sean Mason, Agronomy Solutions. Other partners CSIRO (economic analysis), AgCommunicators (extension), APAL (soil and plant testing), Landmark, private agronomists and farming systems groups (Sarah Noack co-ordinator)….