
EP Ag Vision 2050: A shared Vision for farming on the Eyre Peninsula in 2050

Across August and September, a wide range of farming and agricultural research stakeholders were consulted for their views on farming on the EP in 2050. Their perspectives were sought to help shape a draft picture of the features, drivers and enablers of a strong, sustainable farming industry on the Eyre Peninsula well into the future….

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AIR EP Member Days 2023: Nutrition

Over 60 growers, researchers and advisors attended AIR EP Members days on 5 & 6 July. Upper Eyre Peninsula was hosted at Wudinna, with Lower Eyre Peninsula at Cummins. Attendees were treated to presentations from the following speakers on a range of nutrition topics. Prof. Mike McLaughlin, University of Adelaide- Behaviour of fertiliser in soils…

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Lower EP Ag Expo 2 March 2021

The AIR EP Lower EP Ag Expo was held at the Marble Range Sports Club in Wangary on 2 March 2021, with 59 farmers and advisors attending. The speakers and topics delivered were: Lukas van Zwieten, NSW DPI: soil biology and amendments, herbicide residues. David Harbison, DR Agriculture: grazing management of crops and pastures, dual…

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AIR EP Member Days 2021: Post-emergent herbicides

Two AIR EP Member Day ‘Optimising Post-emergent herbicides’ workshops were held on Eyre Peninsula: Ungarra Football Club 21 June 2021. 27 people attended in total. Wudinna Community Club 22 June 2021. 51 people attended in total. Presented by Mark Congreve, Independent Consultants Australia Network (ICAN). The workshops were hosted by AIR EP and supported by…

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Lower EP Ag Expo 8 March 2022

The AIR EP Lower EP Ag Expo was held at the Ungarra Sports Club on 8 March 2022, with 51 farmers and advisors attending. The theme of the event was “Managing high input costs”. The event was made possible with funding support from SAGIT and the AIR EP sponsors. Speakers and topics delivered were:  …

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EP Farmer Survey 2020 Soil CRC Report

The 2020 Eyre Peninsula social benchmarking survey is part of this national Soil CRC project led by Dr Hanabeth Luke of Southern Cross University (SCU), jointly funded by the Soil CRC, Ag Innovation and Research Eyre Peninsula (AIR EP, a CRC partner) and the Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board. Data gathered will contribute to wider Soil…

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Dry saline land survey results

Dry saline land or “magnesia patches” describe areas in paddocks that have become saline in the surface layer and toxic to plant growth, resulting in bare, unproductive patches of ground. They are not driven the underlying effects of ground water, stream flows or perched water tables. Their impacts can be highly detrimental to farming practices…

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Southern Pulse Extension – Pulse Check Groups

Establishment of a minimum of 9 ‘Pulse Check Discussion groups’ across the Southern region. Pulse Check groups to focus upon ‘back to basics’ approach to lentil and/or chickpea production using a group learning approach and practical in-field learning.

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Warm and cool season mixed cover cropping for sustainable farming systems in south eastern Australia – lower EP

Part of a bigger project across south eastern Australia to identify and demonstrate suitable cover crops. The impacts of cover cropping on soil health, nutrient cycling, organic carbon, and soil moisture will be measured, an the optimum timing and method to terminate the cover crops will be determined.  

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Increasing adoption of new techniques combining physical, chemical and plant based interventions to improve soil function on Eyre Peninsula

Increase awareness of methods to address a range of soil constraints, by demonstrating how the combination of deep incorporation of chemical amendments (lime and gypsum) and the inclusion of organic materials can address soil physical and chemical constrains that reduce plant root growth and limit soil biological function. Will conduct a training and extension programme…

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