LEADA Spring Walk 2016

LEADA Spring Walk 2016

Held on 30 August 2016

  • 8.30am Meet at the: Ramblers Football Clubrooms Meet and arrange bus travel

  • 9.30am Andrew Green Andrew Ware, SARDI and George Pedler, LEADA

    Lupins – Time of Seeding Site

  • 10.15am Andrew Green Liz Farquharson, SARDI New Pea Rhizobia

  • 11.30am Ramblers Football Clubrooms

    Peter Boutsalis- University of Adelaide
    Herbicide Resistant Weeds – Survey Results

  • 12.15pm LUNCH – Ramblers Football Clubrooms – Cummins

  • 1.15pm Chad Glover Jeff Paull – University of Adelaide

    Beans – Time of Seeding Site

  • 2.30pm John Modra Steve Marcroft – Marcroft Grains Pathology

    Kurt Lindbeck – DPI – NSW
    Jenny Davidson – SARDI
    Canola – Time of Seeding Site – Sclerotinia

  • 4.00pm Finish – Ramblers Football Clubrooms

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