Maintaining profitable farming systems with retained stubble – upper Eyre Peninsula
Summary GRDC Project Code: EPF00001 The GRDC funded project ‘Maintaining profitable farming systems with retained stubble – upper Eyre Peninsula’ aimed to produce locally relevant, sustainable management guidelines to control pests, weeds and diseases while retaining stubble to maintain or improve soil health, and reduce exposure to wind erosion. The major outcome to be achieved…
Regional Landcare Facilitator
Summary The aim of the Regional Landcare Facilitator project is to assist primary producers to increase the uptake of sustainable farm and land management practices and improve the knowledge, skills and engagement of land managers in protecting the land and environment. The role of the Regional Landcare Facilitator is to: promote the uptake of…
Improving management practices of Rhizoctonia ‘bare-patch’ on upper EP soils
Summary One of the main factors limiting productivity and therefore sustainability of cropping on upper Eyre Peninsula is the incidence of the soil borne disease, Rhizoctonia ‘bare-patch’. Research has demonstrated that a number of practices can significantly reduce the impact of the disease, but this has been difficult to demonstrate on a broad acre scale…
Delivering Multiple benefit messages – a partnership with NRM
Summary The objective of the project is to develop partnerships between the grains industry and the regional NRM organisations to identify common priority issues and opportunities for collaborative delivery and leveraging of investment. This project will deliver communication and extension messages to achieve on-farm practice change that provides production/economic gains and NRM/environment outcomes. A key…
Improved nitrogen efficiency across biophysical regions of the Eyre Peninsula
Summary This project measured nitrous oxide (N2O) emission levels from wheat grown in rotation with canola, pulses and legume pastures in key biophysical regions of the Eyre Peninsula (EP); while assessing best management practices that local farmers can adopt to minimize N2O losses from the use of synthetic fertilizers through the use of cost effective…
Farmers leading and learning about the soil carbon frontier
Summary The DAFF and GRDC funded national trial will examine existing, new and alternative strategies for farmers in the cereal sheep zone to increase soil carbon. The trial will be used as baseline data for carbon accumulation in soils and to: discuss the various forms of soil organic carbon (plant residues, particulate, humus and resistant…
Reducing methane emissions from improved forage quality on mixed farms
Summary The project will trial alternative pastures and forage crops to existing pastures to demonstrate their potential to improve feed quality and quantity as a means of increasing sheep production and reducing methane emissions from sheep on mixed farm enterprises in southern Australia. Share this project: You Might Also Like
Rhizoctonia Risk Tool
Summary The Rhizoctonia decision tool has been developed to enable farmers to evaluate their Rhizoctonia cereal root disease risk level depending on previous crop rotation, management decisions, timing in the cropping season and the environmental conditions. Download the Rhizo Risk Tool below. For further information, please contact Amanda Cook SARDI Minnipa Agricultural Centre: Share this…
LEADA Expo 2015
Held on 5th March 2015 7.30 am Registration and Breakfast 8:30 am Welcome John Richardson, Chair, LEADA 8:35 am Keynote Speaker Wayne Smith, Agronomic Acumen“Be phenomenal or be mediocre. What’s it to be?” 9:35 am Trial results Andrew Ware, SARDI – Focus on CanolaPat Head, Landmark – Focus on EyespotDavid Davenport, RSSA – Focus on…
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