EPARF Member Day 2005

EPARF Member Day 2005

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The ‘Eyre Peninsula Breeding Better Varieties’ two day event held at the Minnipa Agricultural Centre included a variety of expert speaker presentations and field demonstrations.

Rowan Ramsey, EPARF Chairperson welcomed everyone and introduced wheat breeder Andy Barr, AGT to deliver his presentation on Gene Technology, how breeding and genetic engineering works, current and future directions.

This followed with Marc Cooney, AWB Ltd talking on markets, shaping the future with global fundamentals changing.

Group sessions followed:

  • Belinda Barr, ACPFG spoke on gene technology for growers;
  • Steve Jeffries, AGT on wheat pedigree;
  • Jason Eglinton, University of Adelaide looked at barley breeding for contraints; and
  • Andrew Kotzer, Kotzer Engineering focused on grain hygiene, aeration costs and benefits.

Rob Wheeler, SARDI presented on variety selection, information on the national variety trials and new tools followed with comments on spreading risk particularly in districts with variable seasons and disease risk.

Steve Jefferies and Jason Eglington addressed commercialization and royalties.

Group demonstrations on:

  • Pulse genetics and breeding by Jeff Paul, University of Adelaide;
  • Breeding for herbicide tolerance in canola by Nelson Gororo, Nutrihealth and Tim Wilmshurst, Dovuro Seeds;
  • Breeding better varieties of annual medic for EP with Ram Nair, SARDI;
  • Grain receival standards and classifications, Roger Laube, ABB Ltd; and
  • Disease resistance breakdown and durability of resistance to specific diseases with Hugh Wallwork, SARDI.

The event finished with open discussion on GM options for Eyre Peninsula facilitated by Peter Carr, SARDI.

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