Check out new Sustainable Ag Case Studies

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Two new case studies are now online! Check them out on the AIR EP Sustainable Ag Page

Macdonald-Restoring soil pH

  • Increasing acidity was causing a plethora of issues at the Macdonald farms across the Lower Eyre Peninsula, find out how rotational liming has restored soil pH and the range of positive effects it has had.

Yates-Combatting erosion caused by extreme weather events

  • An extreme rain event in early 2022 caused major erosion damage for the Yates’ farm on the Upper Eyre Peninsula, learn about what they’ve been up to the last year and half to recover their farming land.

Delivered as part of the Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board’s Sustainable Agriculture program, funded by the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program Regional Land Partnerships (RLP) initiative, which includes a project work order to deliver the Regenerative Agriculture Program (RAP).

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