AgRi-Silience Farm Upskilling Opportunity on EP

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AgRi-Silience helps agricultural businesses improve economic, environmental, and social resilience. Participants gain access to expert facilitators and advisors to identify risks, opportunities, and develop long-term plans.

If enough people are keen, we can hold these workshops on Eyre Peninsula. Please register your interest below to ensure you don’t miss out.

Key Features

  • Three-day workshop: Comprehensive, guided sessions.
  • Personalised coaching: Support for plan implementation.
  • Expert consultancy: $3,500 worth of advice in key areas.

Focus Areas

  • Strategic farm management and planning
  • Risk management and decision making
  • Natural resource management
  • Personal and social resilience


  • Timing based on group availability and production calendar.
  • Peer-to-peer groups for collaboration and support.


  • Register interest to be matched with a peer group.
  • Compatibility check with facilitators before matching.
  • Session locations based on participant preferences.


  • $500 (ex. GST) for two members; additional members pay full fee.
  • Possible reimbursement for travel and childcare costs.

Register your interest here

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