Upcoming Events

Goode/Charra Ag Bureau Sticky Beak (15 Sept 2023)

Social day for local growers, grain industry representatives, local businesses, grain buyers/marketers and other interested people to see how this year's crops are going, look at new crop varieties, discuss…

AIR EP/GRDC Pulse & Frost Field Days Tooligie Hill (21 Sept 2023)

2023 Tooligie Pulse site 1221 Tooligie Hill Road, Murdinga, South Australia, Australia

For the Pulse field day, it is via Bill Long's shed 1221 Tooligie Hill Road, Murdinga. Join us there for lunch at 12pm, then we head to the Frost trial…

Cyber security in the ag sector (9 October 2023)

Are your ag platforms and software/hardware vulnerable to cyber-attack or might they be in the future? Help inform research about how you use ag tech, while gaining insight into experiences…

AIR EP Annual General Meeting (10 October 2023)


The 2023 AIR EP Annual General Meeting will be held via Zoom. All members are encouraged to attend. Register in advance for this meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0pdO-trDMvHdEjEUHiJEyd0pVu0U4fNYkN After registering, you will receive…

Wangary Ag Bureau Crop Competition (10 October 2023)

4525 Flinders Highway, Wangary 4525 Flinders Highway, Wangary, SA, Australia

8.30am start Meet at 4525 Flinders Highway BYO lunch and refreshments Thanks to all supporters of the day. All welcome. 0447 014 676 for further enquiries.