Understanding alignment between markets and growers

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AEGIC is undertaking a piece of work to understand the alignment between overseas markets and growers. There are emerging areas of focus on sustainability and health by Australia’s overseas customers and consumers and AEGIC is trying to understand what effect this may (or not) be having on farm businesses.

Ag Innovation & Research EP are a key farming systems group and feedback from its members (via a short survey) will assist AEGIC understand:

  • If growers are making changes to align with consumer trends?
  • What types of information are growers finding useful?
  • The alignment between customers (the end users of grain) and the farm business.

The survey introduction provides context to AEGIC and the project and it takes approximately 5 minutes, it’s accessible from a mobile phone and individual data is unidentifiable and confidential.

Access to the survey is via the following link or QR code below:

“Shaping Australia’s Grain Future – How are consumer needs changing your grains business?”

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