Projects: Farming Systems
Building resilience – Break Crop Suitability Across Landscapes
Bring together Upper North Farming Systems, Murray Plains Farmers, and AIR EP to bring this common theme across the 3 farming groups and 4 Node regions together into the one project. It is proposed to establish several paddock scale demonstration sites, tailoring each to the needs of the group region. The activities are designed to…
Retaining soil water in farming systems using strip & disc machinery 2024
This project has enabled one demonstration site to be conducted in 2024 in a low rainfall farming system at Buckleboo to enable extension of past EP demonstration site results and results from other regions, and to further investigate: What are the measurable differences in stripper stubble vs conventional draper stubble sown using a disc seeding…
A needs analysis for the barriers to adoption of strip and disc systems on Eyre Peninsula
Identify the risks and opportunities (including a cost benefit analysis) faced by growers using Strip and Disc systems to determine any gaps in knowledge to be addressed for this practice to be adopted in current farming systems. Produce a project needs analysis to direct future investment in RD&E activities for strip and disc farming systems …
SA Young Farmer – Facilitated Peer to Peer Learning
To share innovative ways to build drought resilience and build local leadership, networks, and social support In Ceduna and Cleve locations AIR EP will offer four field events for young farmers focussing on young people aged 18-35 years. The Rudall young farmers group met in December to commence prioritisation of subjects they would like to…
De-risking the seeding program
De-risking the seeding program. Adoption of key management practices for the success of dry early sown crops. Dry and early sowing of cereal crops is a practice commonly employed across southern Australian cropping regions to combat the increasingly erratic and delayed opening season rainfall. Whilst there has been a large amount of research and development…
Matching soil performance indicators to farming systems
The Soil CRC Scoping Study on soil performance indicators (Project 2.1.01) concluded that there was no universal suite of indicators that could measure soil performance, but rather that indicators should be matched to their intended purpose (‘horses-for-courses’). This project will use social research, data analytics and soil indicator domain expertise to determine how commonly used…
Retaining soil water in farming systems using strip/disc machinery 2023
SA Drought Hub – Minnipa Node: Retaining soil water in farming systems using strip/disc machinery DN1_23_02 AIR EP, Buckleboo Farm Improvement Group and SARDI Minnipa Agricultural Centre Demonstration sites were established in low rainfall farming systems to determine: Can we measure increased stored soil water in strip/disc vs conventional no-till knife point systems? Are there…
GRDC Seeder Systems Case Studies
Summary Josh Telfer interviewed Mark Modra for a seeding systems publication being produced by BCG, funded by GRDC. Published in GroundCover Online, 30 January 2022. Check out the story here: Read Marks story here
SA Drought Hub Activities 2022: Soil cover to retain water
Summary Demonstration sites to be established in low rainfall farming systems to determine: 1. Can we measure increased stored soil water in strip/disc vs conventional no-till knife point systems? 2. Are there other measurable benefits to the farming system such as soil cover, nutrition, weeds, disease, yield, soil health measures? 3. Are there impacts on…
SA Drought Hub Activities 2022: Best Practice Early Sowing Opportunities
Summary This project aimed to demonstrate and extend the findings of a SAGIT research project conducted in 2019-2021, which found ways to improve plant establishment and crop production by adopting specific early sowing techniques. Separating seed and fertiliser, sowing earlier than district practice, and using longer coleoptile wheat varieties to sow deeper into soil moisture,…