GRDC Better frost decisions workshops 2021
WHAT BETTER FROST DECISIONS AIMS TO ACHIEVE Better Frost Decisions will provide the mechanism to help growers and their advisers make better decisions that will help to reduce the threat and impact from frost, particularly in relation to pre-season planning, in-season management and responding to frost events during the growing season. Better Frost Decisions will…
Unlocking new opportunities and audiences for delivery of MLA products in Southern Australian farming
Delivery of surveys via meetings to determine priorities for extension of MLA materials on EP.
Development and extension to close the economic yield gap and maximise farming systems benefits from grain legume production in South Australia mise farming systems
Otherwise known as the GRDC Legume Extension Project. 1 research hub trial site (Tooligie Hill) and 3 spoke sites annually (Kimba, Yeelanna, Mt Hill). Research delivered y SARDI and EPAG Research. Annual pulse field day at hub site. Sticky Beak events at spoke sites annually.
AIR EP/SAGIT Lower EP Ag Expo 2022
Lower EP Ag Expo 2022 held on March 8, at Ungarra with 50 people attending. Final report submitted to SAGIT in April 2022.
GRDC Hands-on Precision Agriculture Training (HOPAT) project
Summary Assist Pinion Advisory to deliver 2 Precision Ag workshops. Initial PA workshop held at Cleve on 16 Feb 2021, 18 attended. Sent follow-up survey to participants to inform next workshop content. Final workshop held in Cleve 7 September 2021. 4 farmers attended. Dan Adams from Cockaleechie presented on his experiences with PA.
GRDC Frost Extension project
Summary Small plot frost trial at Tim Zacher’s Tooligie. Extension materials distributed via newsletter and podcasts. A trial site consisting of eight cereal varieties (Barley, Denison, Rockstar, Scepter, wheat mixture, Mace, LR Dual, Vixen) was sown near Tooligie in 2021. This site aimed to demonstrate how cereal varieties with different flowering times and maturities are…
Building drought resilience by scaling out farming practices that will enhance the productive capacity of sandy soil landscapes
Summary This project will enhance the drought resilience of farmers who manage 3 million hectares of sandy soils in the low-medium rainfall landscape of southeast Australia. This will be achieved through the adoption of practices that enhance the productive capacity of sandy soils by overcoming constraints including water repellence & compacted layers that prevent root growth &…
Managing crown rot on upper EP – a joint learning experience
Project Plan Project activities will build on knowledge gained from prior research on Upper EP using trials and complementary grower-sown demonstrations with the objectives being to: 1. Reduce yield losses due to crown rot, so increasing the amount and consistency of grain quantities available for export. 2. Improve the consistency of cereal grain production and…
Building Drought Resilience in Agriculture-Dependent Communities through Mapping Young Farmer Information and Support Networks
This project will map young farmer and AIR EP’s information and support networks, and through two interactive co-design workshops, deliver a young farmer network-strengthening action plan.This project aims to:– Better understand young farmer’s existing networks.– Identify opportunities for building stronger networks between young farmers and AIR EP.– Co-design a suite of strategies for AIR EP…