
Increasing production on sandy soils in low and medium rainfall areas of the Southern Region

The project is looking at why there is unused soil water at harvest in cropping systems on sandy soils, and what are the mitigation and amelioration options to improve this situation. The project is investigating the physical, chemical impediments and the biological constraints in sandy soils and crop establishment on non-wetting soils. On upper EP,…

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Lower EP Crop Walk Spring 2020

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Demonstrating and validating the implementation of integrated weed management strategies to control barley grass in the low rainfall zone farming systems

Research into the ecology and control tactics of barley grass has occurred and now this needs to be transferred into the development and testing of localised integrated weed management (IWM) strategies. This investment will test localised IWM strategies against barley grass utilising large plot replicated demonstration sites and delivered within key areas of the low…

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Developing knowledge and tools to better manage herbicide residues in soil

This project will develop new knowledge and tools to better understand the factors regulating herbicide persistence and bioavailability, giving farmers increased confidence in crop choice, timing of sowing and herbicide management to ensure soil and crop performance is not limited by herbicide residues. This project is funded by the High Performance Soil CRC, and is…

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Regional Agricultural Landcare Facilitator (RALF)

Provide a central contact point for farmers, industry, and community groups and to support agriculture related Core Services and Project Services across the Eyre Peninsula. Funded by the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program, through the Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board. We are pleased to announce that Amy Wright has been appointed to the RALF role for…

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Eyre Peninsula internship in applied grains research- 2021/2022

To improve the capacity of grains research, development and extension in the Eyre Peninsula region. To further develop applied research skills of recent graduates so they will be able to make an improved contribution to the grains RD&E industry in South Australia. This project will annually engage a recent graduate to work as an intern/trainee…

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Taking canola profitability to the next level

Determing the maximum achievable water limited yield of canola on Lower EP and the relative significance of key canola yield drivers once disease and phenology are optimised and inform growers and advisors on the yield driving mechanisms and profitability of high production canola systems. Andrew Ware, independent agronomist with EPAG Research, talks about the deep-dive…

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Resilient EP – for a Profitable Farming Future

A new paradigm for resilient and profitable dryland farming on the Eyre Peninsula using data to improve on-farm decision making Summary Ag Innovation and Development Eyre Peninsula (AIR EP), worked with EP farmers, their advisers and researchers to increase the productive potential of the regions soil and water resources that will assist in developing more…

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Developing future leaders for farming communities on the Eyre Peninsula

Summary This project aimed to provide young farmers from across upper Eyre Peninsula (EP) with the confidence and skills to take on leadership roles in their local communities. DAFF project: Over the course of the project a total of 50 young farmers took place in the four project workshops and associated events that occurred as…

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Fluid fertiliser case studies

Three case studies exploring the adoption of fluid fertilisers in their farming systems have been developed with upper Eyre Peninsula farmers (the Baldocks, Pattersons and Polkinghornes) as part of a Caring for our Country and SAGIT funded project ‘Improving management practices of Rhizoctonia barepatch on upper EP soils’ conducted by the Minnipa Agricultural Centre team….

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