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Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board Grassroots Grants 2023-2024
More than $110,000 is available for Eyre Peninsula residents to put towards community-based landscape management and environmental protection projects across the region, under the Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board’s Grassroots Grants. The grant program is open until April 28. There are two streams of funding for the 2023-24 grants: · Small Community Grants for up to…
SA Drought Hub new fact sheet for producers: Using satellite imagery
Satellite technology provides a method of viewing and analysing broadacre crops, giving new insights into variability across and between fields. Despite recent, rapid improvements, growers and agronomists may not be making full use of the practical capabilities of maps and insights generated by satellite imagery. In low-rainfall environments, there is an opportunity for producers to…
New results to mitigate risks for lentils
New results indicate the application of gypsum on crops could be a game-changer for lentil growers on the Lower Eyre Peninsula. Plagued by waterlogging in many of the traditional lentil growing areas last season, advice based on recent research is set to remove some of the risks associated with growing lentils, promoting a more…
Building resilient crops through nutrition with Joel Williams
Joel Williams is an independent consultant plant and soil health educator who has extensive practical experience in Australia, UK and Canada where he is based. Following a year of heavy foliar disease pressure, resulting the breakdown of many fungicide regimes, Joel will share how to help our crops be less reliant on fungicides and insecticides…
Upper EP SARDI farmer meetings summary 2023
During February and March, AIR EP supported the SARDI Minnipa Ag Centre team to deliver a series of eight harvest report farmer meetings across the upper Eyre Peninsula to over 140 farmers and advisors. Discussion around the 2022 season identified priority topics such as crop and pasture weeds including barley grass and ryegrass, fertiliser management,…
Soil testing assistance for EP flood affected areas
AIR EP in conjunction with BFIG, EP Landscape Board and PIRSA has secured funding to assist those that were affected by the January 2022 flood event. If you have areas of paddocks that have lain underwater for a period of time or lost topsoil from water erosion, we are able to provide access to technical…
Bust Buffel grass – early detection is key
We’re doing a good job keeping Buffel grass out of Eyre Peninsula but we need to remain vigilant. The Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board is asking for the community to help with the early identification of any new infestations. Buffel grass is an introduced, summer growing perennial pasture grass (growing 0.2-1.5 m high). It’s highly invasive…
Nuffield Scholarship applications open
Nuffield Scholarship applications are open! There is a focus on enhancing the resilience and sustainability of Australian agriculture with specific drought resilience scholarships available this year, supported by the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund. Apply now 👉 via
MLA Meat Up Forum in Wudinna next Wednesday
Don’t forget to register!! With the support of the SA MeatUp Forum Working Group, that includes producers from across SA, including Eyre Peninsula, and the speakers, the program has something for everyone, with an integration of livestock and cropping focus. Key topics include getting the most from mixed farming systems, effective legume pasture systems, improving…