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Deep ripping and mixed species case study
Find out how an Ungarra farmer combined deep ripping with a mixed species crop to work out if it would improve production and also soil health in the longer term This soil carbon trial was made possible through our Regenerative Agriculture Program, funded by the National Landcare Program.
Fox bait community distribution
The Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board’s annual fox bait distribution days are coming up. Landholders encouraged to collect baits and talk to their local landscape officer about control strategies. In late summer and early autumn we start to see young foxes leave their dens and disperse to find a new territory, making this an ideal time…
Got questions around long coleoptile wheat or canola establishment?
You can either complete the online survey via links below, or join a webinar to provide in person feedback on Friday 20 March, 7.30am – 9.00am. Canola establishment – tell CSIRO what you need to know A short online survey of current canola establishment rates and research priorities is open online to inform the…
Into Ag program for young adults wanting to try farming
‘Into Ag’ is a four-day introductory program for young adults who might want to give farming a try. It has been designed for school and university leavers, who are interested in pursuing a career on-farm. The young adults will stay in Cleve for the week, and participate in a range of farm safety, communication, GPS,…
Canola establishment – tell CSIRO what you need to know
A short online survey of current canola establishment rates and research priorities is open online to inform the improvement of canola establishment. The results of the survey will be used to define key research questions in a new GRDC-supported research project led by CSIRO with key project partners DPIRD, EPAG research and NSWDPI. Contact the…
MLA Meat Up Forum in Wudinna
With the support of the SA MeatUp Forum Working Group, that includes producers from across SA, including Eyre Peninsula, and the speakers, the program has something for everyone, with an integration of livestock and cropping focus. Key topics include getting the most from mixed farming systems, effective legume pasture systems, improving grazing management decision making,…
Precision fertiliser workshop in Wudinna
Precision fertiliser decisions in a tight economic climate 28 February 2023 Wudinna Community Club, 10am-3pm Growers and agronomists Australia-wide are expressing concern in relation to soaring fertiliser prices and the likely impact of this on their own or their client’s bottom line. Come and network and learn about specifically identifying how the application of precision…
Breaking New Ground Seminars
In this seminar we bring you an integrated framework for turning the functions of tax, banking, superannuation, succession planning and wealth management into strategic business assets. Get on the front foot and maximise the gains from a successful season of grain growing! Reserve your spot now!