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Building farming systems resilience and future proofing the impacts of drought through accelerating the adoption of proven cost-effective and yield responsive soil and fertiliser management practices by farmers across southern Australia
The project focuses on accelerating adoption of proven soil resource management practices offering significant opportunity to build farming systems drought resilience, reduce yield variability, increase sustainability and profitability. On Eyre Peninsula, the project is focussed on: Improving productivity of low rainfall problem sands with a reliable break crop (lentil) with soil amelioration on EP Farmers are…
EP Ag Vision 2050: A shared Vision for farming on the Eyre Peninsula in 2050
Across August and September, a wide range of farming and agricultural research stakeholders were consulted for their views on farming on the EP in 2050. Their perspectives were sought to help shape a draft picture of the features, drivers and enablers of a strong, sustainable farming industry on the Eyre Peninsula well into the future….
Effective control of brome grass in the southern and western cropping zones
By May 2027, the economic impact of brome grass will be reduced by 10% across the low rainfall zones of the Western and Southern Regions through the implementation of specific integrated weed management strategies. On the Eyre Peninsula this project will include A 3 year crop sequence x weed management trial on the Upper EP…
De-risking the seeding program
De-risking the seeding program. Adoption of key management practices for the success of dry early sown crops. Dry and early sowing of cereal crops is a practice commonly employed across southern Australian cropping regions to combat the increasingly erratic and delayed opening season rainfall. Whilst there has been a large amount of research and development…
Packaging Soil CRC tools to enhance the extension and adoption of improved soil management practices
This project will support four grower groups (including AIR EP) to critically evaluate their current extension practices used to engage farmers and to identify which extension tools developed in Program 1 of the Soil CRC can be combined to improve the adoption of innovation. Many significant learnings and outcomes have been developed in Program 1…
Soil CRC Agricultural Farm Practices Survey 2024
This project considers the actual and intended practice of a broad base of farmers across Australian farming systems via a mail-based survey. The survey will be a modified but largely similar survey to one conducted on Eyre Peninsula in 2020 (see results of 2020 survey). Improved understanding of farmers and their practices in our partner…
Matching soil performance indicators to farming systems
The Soil CRC Scoping Study on soil performance indicators (Project 2.1.01) concluded that there was no universal suite of indicators that could measure soil performance, but rather that indicators should be matched to their intended purpose (‘horses-for-courses’). This project will use social research, data analytics and soil indicator domain expertise to determine how commonly used…
EP Ag Chats – Connecting Generations of Farmers on Eyre Peninsula
Production of a podcast series of six episodes connecting the younger generation of Eyre Peninsula farmers with the experienced generation of Eyre Peninsula farmers. This would be series 2 of the successful “EP Ag Chats” podcast produced in 2022 as part of the Young Farmer Networking Project. Listen to the previous podcasts here. …
Eyre Peninsula internship in applied grains research 2024
2024 Internship to be hosted by EPAG Research. This project anuually engages a recent graduate to work for 12 months as an intern/trainee in applied grains research, development and extension, located on Eyre Peninsula. During the 12 months the intern will gain skills in trial design, trial management, sampling, statistical analysis, general crop agronomy,…
Retaining soil water in farming systems using strip/disc machinery 2023
SA Drought Hub – Minnipa Node: Retaining soil water in farming systems using strip/disc machinery DN1_23_02 AIR EP, Buckleboo Farm Improvement Group and SARDI Minnipa Agricultural Centre Demonstration sites were established in low rainfall farming systems to determine: Can we measure increased stored soil water in strip/disc vs conventional no-till knife point systems? Are there…