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Robust ground cover to enable resilient low rainfall mixed farms
Summary This project will demonstrate, evaluate and communicate farming innovations that are not widely adopted by low rainfall farmers but have been proven in other regions or are close to market. Adoption will build resilient groundcover to protect the natural capital of the 10+ million hectare low rainfall mixed farming region of the Mallee and…
Building drought resilience with landscape scale remediation of saline land
Summary This project aimed to demonstrate farmer ready management practices that break the cycle of saline land degradation exacerbated by very dry or drought conditions. Two key drivers of soil salinity were addressed – dry saline land and Mallee seeps that cause lost production in low rainfall broad acre mixed farming landscapes. Dry saline…
RiskWi$e: National Risk Management Initiative – Action Research Groups Eyre Peninsula
Summary RiskWi$e: the National Risk Management Initiative (NRMI) is a GRDC initiative extending over five years that aims to understand and improve risk-reward outcomes for Australian grain growers through participatory action research (PAR). Explicitly the NRMI aims to: 1. develop an improved understanding of the risk-reward relationships for important on-farm management practices and decisions, 2….
Enterprise choice and sequence strategies that drive sustainable and profitable southern Australian farming systems
Southern Farming Systems Project Edillilie Site – Lower Eyre Peninsula Farm profitability can be improved by identifying the factors that drive profit and adopting management that optimises returns and mitigates risks. Growers are under mounting pressure to maintain profitability due to constraints such as input costs, herbicide resistance, declining soil fertility, increasing soil-borne pathogens and…
SA Drought Hub Tools for pasture forecasting
Summary A desktop review of all pasture forecasting and pasture measurement tools for primary producers available in Australia. Identify tools that have potential for use in the high rainfall zone of South Australia, but that may not be available or may not be calibrated in these areas, and what would be required to make them…
Eyre Peninsula internship in applied grains research 2023
Summary This project will annually engage a recent graduate to work as an intern/trainee in applied grains research, development and extension, located on Eyre Peninsula. To improve the capacity of grains research, development and extension in the Eyre Peninsula region. To further develop applied research skills of recent graduates so they will be able to…
Sheep Climate Resilience
Summary Activities reported on for this project include: – Demonstration of practical strategies which improve the fertility of sheep joined during summer – Collation and communication of results from management trials – Demonstration of the benefits of using dietary betaine to improve sheep fertility during summer, and establish the impacts on their thermoregulation
SA Drought Hub: Filling feed gaps
Summary The project aims to improve primary producer decision making around the cost effective and sustainable production of hay and silage, and preparing for drought through best practice feed conservation and storage. The project will be conducted in the Limestone Coast (LC), Fleurieu Peninsula (FP), Kangaroo Island (KI) and Eyre Peninsula (EP) regions. Expert guest…
GRDC Better frost decisions workshops 2021
WHAT BETTER FROST DECISIONS AIMS TO ACHIEVE Better Frost Decisions will provide the mechanism to help growers and their advisers make better decisions that will help to reduce the threat and impact from frost, particularly in relation to pre-season planning, in-season management and responding to frost events during the growing season. Better Frost Decisions will…
Unlocking new opportunities and audiences for delivery of MLA products in Southern Australian farming
Delivery of surveys via meetings to determine priorities for extension of MLA materials on EP.