
LEADA Spring Walk 2016

Held on 30 August 2016 8.30am Meet at the: Ramblers Football Clubrooms Meet and arrange bus travel 9.30am Andrew Green Andrew Ware, SARDI and George Pedler, LEADA Lupins – Time of Seeding Site 10.15am Andrew Green Liz Farquharson, SARDI New Pea Rhizobia 11.30am Ramblers Football Clubrooms Peter Boutsalis- University of AdelaideHerbicide Resistant Weeds – Survey…

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Managing Soil Acidity on Lower Eyre Peninsula through Development and Delivery of Best Practice Management Growing Productivity and Sustainability

Summary The ‘Managing Soil Acidity on Lower Eyre Peninsla through Development and Delivery of Best Practice Management Crowing Productivity and Sustainability project includes the development of an innovative pH mapping program for the Lower Eyre Peninsula and investigating the most effective treatment of low pH soils in this area to improve productivity and sustainability. This…

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LEADA Expo 2016

Held on 9th March 2016 7.30 am Registration and Breakfast 8:15 am Welcome John Richardson, Chair, LEADA 8:20 am Nigel Wilhelm (SARDI) – GRDC Copper trial 8.50am Blake Gontar (SARDI) – Stubble management project – managing ryegrass in stubbles 9.20am Therese McBeath (SARDI) /Ed Hunt – Stubble management project – nutrition efficiencies, the economics 9.50am…

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Woolly Pod Vetch Chemical Tolerance

  Summary The project aimed to identify chemicals that take out broad leaf weeds in established Woolly Pod Vetch. There is a growing export demand for Vetch seed. The opportunity to salvage an area was designated for sheep feed and turn it into a seed crop. Nine Chemicals were applied to the Woolly Pod Vetch…

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Moisture Probes & Weather Stations

Summary The following moisture probes have been set-up with funding from SAGIT (South Australian Grains Industry Trust) and AgFarm Advantage. The Alpha Group are responsible for setting up and maintenance of the moisture probes and weather stations. They have been placed on the properties of EPARF and LEADA members for the benefit of all farmers…

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Studying successful management of soil acidity on Lower Eyre Peninsula

Summary The Lower Eyre Agricultural Development Association (LEADA) undertook the project to produce case studies that summarize production and soil management pre and post treatment that highlight the value for long term sustainability of production as well as protection of the valuable natural resource. More than 178,000 hectares of soils on Lower Eyre Peninsula are…

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Understanding Crop Production for Women – Workshop Series

Summary In 2016 LEADA hosted a pilot project “Understanding Crop Production” for partners in the farming business. The aim of the project is to up skill farming business partners by increasing knowledge and understanding of annual cropping system which assists them to be more informed with the farming business planning and management Developing a greater…

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LEADA Spring Walk 2015

Held on 1st September 2015 8.30am Back of Cummins Hotel Meet and arrange bus travel 9.30am Ungarra John Richardson (Chair) Welcome and Opening Blake Gontar Stubble management trialsJamie Phillis Tynes vs Discs – look at machinery and demonstrationAlan McKay Rhizoctonia – what is happening 11.30am Justin Modras Andrew Ware Wheat variety trials AGT New Mace…

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Maintaining profitable farming systems with retained stubble – upper Eyre Peninsula

Summary GRDC Project Code: EPF00001 The GRDC funded project ‘Maintaining profitable farming systems with retained stubble – upper Eyre Peninsula’ aimed to produce locally relevant, sustainable management guidelines to control pests, weeds and diseases while retaining stubble to maintain or improve soil health, and reduce exposure to wind erosion. The major outcome to be achieved…

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Regional Landcare Facilitator

Summary The aim of the Regional Landcare Facilitator project is to assist primary producers to increase the uptake of sustainable farm and land management practices and improve the knowledge, skills and engagement of land managers in protecting the land and environment.   The role of the Regional Landcare Facilitator is to: promote the uptake of…

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