2017 EP Stubbles Extravaganza
Naomi Scholz, SARDI Livestock and Farming Systems, Minnipa Agricultural Centre hosted the Eyre Peninsula ‘Stubbles Extravaganza’ forum for researchers and advisors on 9 November 2017 in Port Lincoln on behalf of EPARF and LEADA.
- Naomi Scholz (GRDC Stubble Initiative)
- Rick Llewellyn (weeds) CSIRO
- Greg Baker (snails) SARDI
- Gupta Vadakattu (nitrogen) CSIRO
- Jack Desbiolles (establishment) University of Adelaide
- Andrew Ware (blackleg) SARDI
- Amanda Cook/Jake Giles (herbicide efficacy) SARDI
- Nigel Wilhelm (water repellence) SARDI
- Marg Evans (disease) SARDI
- Greg Mutze (mice) PIRSA Biosecurity
39 researchers and advisors attended the interactive workshop, heard the latest research and recommendations on overcoming the barriers to stubble retention in relation to nutrition, weeds, pests (snails, mice), disease and stubble management, and participated in discussions – how does this apply on the ground? What would you recommend to clients? What are the unanswered questions? Jeanette Long (Ag Consulting Co.) conducted an evaluation session to close the event, with four questions:
Naomi collated the responses into a summary document that has been provided to all participants. Closing comments were also sought from each participant, with many suggesting that a similar annual event would be desirable. PDF versions of the presentations are now available.