- 2017 EP Stubbles Extravaganza
- A needs analysis for the barriers to adoption of strip and disc systems on Eyre Peninsula
- Adapting cropping systems to changing climatic conditions to reduce inputs and maximise water use through improving crop competitiveness
- Addressing barriers to adoption – Building farmer innovation capability
- AIR EP Member Days 2021: Post-emergent herbicides
- AIR EP Member Days 2023: Nutrition
- AIR EP/SAGIT Lower EP Ag Expo 2022
- Better summer weed management decisions in Southern and Western Australia
- Building drought resilience by scaling out farming practices that will enhance the productive capacity of sandy soil landscapes
- Building Drought Resilience in Agriculture-Dependent Communities through Mapping Young Farmer Information and Support Networks
- Building drought resilience with landscape scale remediation of saline land
- Building farming systems resilience and future proofing the impacts of drought through accelerating the adoption of proven cost-effective and yield responsive soil and fertiliser management practices by farmers across southern Australia
- Building resilience – Break Crop Suitability Across Landscapes
- Copper Management for the future
- Copper management for the future
- De-risking the seeding program
- Delivering Multiple benefit messages – a partnership with NRM
- Delivery of the Sustainable Agriculture Facilitator (SAF)
- Demonstrating and validating the implementation of integrated weed management strategies to control barley grass in the low rainfall zone farming systems
- Developing future leaders for farming communities on the Eyre Peninsula
- Developing knowledge and tools to better manage herbicide residues in soil
- Development and extension to close the economic yield gap and maximise farming systems benefits from grain legume production in South Australia
- Development and extension to close the economic yield gap and maximise farming systems benefits from grain legume production in South Australia mise farming systems
- Drought Resilience Practices in Mixed Farming Systems- Cross Hub Project
- Dry saline land survey results
- Dryland Legume Pasture Systems – Boosting profit and reducing risk in medium and low rainfall areas
- Eastern Eyre Soil Management Opportunities
- Effective control of brome grass in the southern and western cropping zones
- Enterprise choice and sequence strategies that drive sustainable and profitable southern Australian farming systems
- EP Ag Chats – Connecting Generations of Farmers on Eyre Peninsula
- EP Ag Vision 2050: A shared Vision for farming on the Eyre Peninsula in 2050
- EP Farmer Survey 2020 Soil CRC Report
- Eyre Peninsula internship in applied grains research 2023
- Eyre Peninsula internship in applied grains research 2024
- Eyre Peninsula internship in applied grains research- 2021/2022
- Farmers leading and learning about the soil carbon frontier
- Fluid fertiliser case studies
- Further tactics to minimise frost damage on the Eyre Peninsula
- GRDC Better frost decisions workshops 2021
- GRDC Frost Extension project
- GRDC Hands-on Precision Agriculture Training (HOPAT) project
- GRDC Seeder Systems Case Studies
- Hyper Yielding and Profitable Cereals
- Improved nitrogen efficiency across biophysical regions of the Eyre Peninsula
- Improving management practices of Rhizoctonia ‘bare-patch’ on upper EP soils
- Improving the climate resilience of the Australian Sheep Flock
- Increasing adoption of new techniques combining physical, chemical and plant based interventions to improve soil function on Eyre Peninsula
- Increasing production on sandy soils in low and medium rainfall areas of the Southern Region
- Knowledge-Sharing for Good Soil Stewardship
- LEADA Expo 2015
- LEADA Expo 2016
- LEADA Expo 2017
- LEADA Expo 2019
- LEADA Soil Modification on Lower Eyre Peninsula Improving Access to Soil Moisture
- LEADA Spring Walk 2015
- LEADA Spring Walk 2016
- LEADA Spring Walk 2017
- LEADA Summer Cover Crop Species Demonstration
- LEADA Weed Seed Management Expo 2018
- Lower EP Ag Expo 2 March 2021
- Lower EP Ag Expo 8 March 2022
- Lower EP Crop Walk Spring 2020
- Maintaining profitable farming systems with retained stubble – upper Eyre Peninsula
- Managing crown rot on upper EP – a joint learning experience
- Managing Soil Acidity on Lower Eyre Peninsula through Development and Delivery of Best Practice Management Growing Productivity and Sustainability
- Matching soil performance indicators to farming systems
- Moisture Probes & Weather Stations
- More profitable crops on highly calcareous soils by improving early vigour and overcoming soil constraints
- Packaging Soil CRC tools to enhance the extension and adoption of improved soil management practices
- Perennial pasture systems for the upper Eyre Peninsula and other dryland farming areas
- Profitable farming systems with retained stubble on Lower EP
- Promoting best-practice feedbase management to deliver improved drought resilience in low to medium rainfall regions through on-farm demonstrations and case studies
- Reducing methane emissions from improved forage quality on mixed farms
- Regional Agricultural Landcare Facilitator (RALF)
- Regional Landcare Facilitator
- Resilient EP – for a Profitable Farming Future
- Resilient EP Documentation
- Retaining soil water in farming systems using strip & disc machinery 2024
- Retaining soil water in farming systems using strip/disc machinery 2023
- Rhizoctonia Risk Tool
- RiskWi$e: National Risk Management Initiative – Action Research Groups Eyre Peninsula
- Robust ground cover to enable resilient low rainfall mixed farms
- SA Drought Hub Activities 2022: Best Practice Early Sowing Opportunities
- SA Drought Hub Activities 2022: Soil cover to retain water
- SA Drought Hub Tools for pasture forecasting
- SA Drought Hub: Filling feed gaps
- SA Drought Hub: Glyphosate Alternatives
- SA Eyre Peninsula Coordination FRRR Community Impacts Grants
- SA Young Farmer – Facilitated Peer to Peer Learning
- Sheep Climate Resilience
- Silicon: a novel solution to reduce water use and pest damage in wheat
- Soil borne pathogen demonstration and extension
- Soil borne pathogen demonstration and extension
- Soil CRC Agricultural Farm Practices Survey 2024
- Soil extension support for extreme weather recovery areas of Eastern Eyre Peninsula
- Southern Pulse Extension – Pulse Check Groups
- Studying successful management of soil acidity on Lower Eyre Peninsula
- Surveying farm practices
- Sustainable Agriculture program – a three year agriculture extension program
- Tactics to minimise frost damage on the Eyre Peninsula
- Taking canola profitability to the next level
- Understanding adoptability of techniques and practices for improved soil management
- Understanding Crop Production for Women – Workshop Series
- Unlocking new opportunities and audiences for delivery of MLA products in Southern Australian farming
- Using soil and plant testing data to better inform nutrient management and optimise fertiliser investments for grain growers in the southern region
- Virtual Fencing for improved climate resilience on South Australian farms
- Warm and cool season mixed cover cropping for sustainable farming systems in south eastern Australia – lower EP
- Warm and cool season mixed cover cropping for sustainable farming systems in south eastern Australia’ project – upper EP
- Woolly Pod Vetch Chemical Tolerance